Catherine was interviewed by ABC Brisbane radio in Australia on August 23rd, 2007. The focus was on nonviolence in education and school “bullying”. Download or listen to the mp3 recording now.
Jesse was invited on February 25th, 2007 to speak on Right Speech, from the ZENVC perspective, at the San Francisco Buddhist Center. Download or listen to the mp3 recording of that talk, now.
A ZENVC Introductory Telecourse Recording from NVC Academy MP3 Audio Download: 118 Minutes(1 hours & 58 minutes) The wisdom which Nonviolent Communication is based on is as old as humanity itself. This recorded telecourse draws insights from NVC’s elder siblings of Taoism, Buddhism, and indigenous culture to offer new ways of approaching common NVC ‘stuck’
Original publication date: 12-29-05
In Sonoma Sun by Joan Huguenard
What might be the reaction when a little kid is asked to do something unpleasant?
Catherine Cadden, an extraordinary peacemaker barely mentioned in last week’s column, knows the answer need not be the automatic response of habit.
To our supporters, We are posting this to support two of our mentors, Stephen and Ondrea Levine, as they are needing assistance financially, due to unexpected health issues. We invite your generous donations to their cause, as you have so generously supported us.
Blessings, Jesse and Catherine
Dear Catherine, Jesse, and Jiva,
Here is a letter I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. Some of these thoughts and phrases have been with me since Afghanistan. Others are offspring of hindsight; slowly forming in the womb of my soul as I took my time to fathom the true extends to which my experience with you has impacted on me. In essence, this letter is an attempt at acknowledging what each of you, in your uniqueness as a person, have meant to my experience.