On payments, rates, and fees

For many of our services, we request contributions to sustain us and support peace as a viable way of living. These contributions are what we call “payments”. We honor that there are circumstances which prevent some people from being able to contribute financially. Absolutely no one will be turned away from any ZENVC service for not making a financial contribution, and we’re open to discussing alternative arrangements.

When you make a payment to ZENVC, you are, in a sense, paying it forward. The reason that there are ZENVC events and consultations being offered to you today is because past participants responded to our requests and made a payment to ZENVC, enabling us to rent venues, purchase food and supplies, pay for printing and website fees, and offer a modest stipend to our trainers. When responding to our request for payment, consider that you are supporting this work to continue and making it possible for others to participate, as freely as you have, regardless of financial circumstances.

To make a financial contribution to ZENVC with credit card or Paypal, click on the Donation Bowl on the right of the page. Check contributions can be made out to “Baba Tree International” (the 501c3 nonprofit organization behind ZENVC’s programs) and mailed to:

Baba Tree International
P.O. Box 46
Jeffersonville, VT 05464
